Page name: The guild of the damned [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-03 14:37:14
Last author: Fractured Memories
Owner: abyss_angel
# of watchers: 8
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The guild of the damned

Welcome stranger, to the guild of the damned. For many long years those cast out from the heavens have plotted revenge.We have stalked the darkness awating our chance to destroy every last angel and eventually bring down heaven itself. If you choose to join the guild, you shall fight against the holy order. A guild of angels who wish to wipe us out.


KiKul *played by [abyss_angel]*: The queen of the guild. She is rarely seen outside the hidden tunnels deep under the ground, plotting the downfall of the heavens.

Raze *played by [DracoDormiens] *: A fallen angel who leads the damned in the shadow realm. Armed with powerful magic, he plans the downfall of heaven. He is kind of a ladies' man, and is used to have it his way.

Kazul *played by [Forsvunnet]: A vampire who stalks the shadows. She joined with Raze after taking pity on him following his exile from heaven. Although she comes across as having a heart of gold, she just wants to fight for her own personal satify her hidden bloodlust.

Eris *played by [Rope Shrine Maiden]*: A demon child who enjoys causing trouble. She may look cute and harmless but be warned, she has powers beyond her years which she often finds hard to control.

Tetsuhara *played by [cevelice]*: One of the angels who was cast out of the heavens after being possessed by demons. He seeks revenge for his treatment.It is rummored his half brother is in the holy order.

Lexy *played by [abyss_angel]*: A beautiful demon with a firey temper. She travels the shadow realm searching for the rarest souls to collect. She has yet to add a heavenly angel to her collection..

Albull *currently unowned*: A loudmouth ghost of a young man who apparently met his end whilst wandering in front of a speeding carriage after a few to many ales.

Cheik *currently unowned*: A rather ugly little dwarf with a very short temper. He loves destruction, death and drink.

Sesu *owned by [Queen of Hearts]*:Sesu is a young witch who can change into a black cat whenever she wishes. Her strong independant streak and quick thinking probably stem from her feline alter ego.

Miasa *owned by [NewBlood]*: A pure blood vampire with uncontrollable hunger.

Sikkahnnus Khorius *Owned by [Steel Mal'ak]*: A demon of the old world, put into exile by her brother for accidentally killing her mother.

impailers son *Ownedby [Floydian Slip]*: a creature that melts to a puddel of blood at will. he's a turned vampire characterised by a large bat wing on his left sholder.

Raven *Owned by [Fractured Memories]*: A mortal whose soul is tainted with hate and dark desires for power. A master of deception with the ability to see people for who they truly are, when he is not blinded by his greed. He knows of the war being fought between the holy order and the guild of the damned, and as a mortal he tries to stay out of the heat of battle, but does what he can for respect and more power. No one knows why he hates the holy order with such a passion. Maybe it’s because he’s against everything they stand for, or maybe it runs deeper than that.

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These characters have been created by [abyss_angel] and are ready to own. Feel free to create your own if you wish to join.
A few quick rules though! If you decide to storm the holy order on your own for whatever reason you probably won't last that long. Its best to organside an attack rather than go on your own. No instant kills! You have to give the other person time to defend themselves. Also no moding, everyone can die in this wiki so don't get a bag on. Abyss_angel will have the final judgement on death. Remeber you can always rejoin with another character.


There are a few small establishments within the shadow realm. All shops (except for the inn) are looking for owners. As a shop owner you are expected to update your shop, talk to customers and buy as well as sell. You could also set up your own shop. Talk to Abyss for more info!

There are several areas within the guild to explore. I would suggest you go to the guild pub if you get a little lost. It can be found in town along with several other shops and small establishments.

The town centre
Most of the shops and pubs in the guild can be found in town. The narrow streets are teaming with people from all over the realm. There are a variety of shops selling everything from elephant tusks to stuffed dragon eggs.
-The black heart inn
-Eris' little shop of horrors
-One stop weapons
-The newspost

The town outskirts
Far from the busy town centre is a place where the slightly more undesirable members of the guild reside. Drink at the Dragon's arms if you dare. The barred windows and peeling paint give the impression that the pub has long been deserted. But inside its another story.
-The dragon's arms inn
-The exotic pets store
-the battle dome

The guild headquaters
Far below the ground, somewhere under the town centre lies a maze of tunnels leading to various rooms, all shut fast with a dozen padlocks each. The queen of the guild, KiKul lives within these chambers. If a guild member wishes to talk with the queen or enter one of the rooms, they must first go to the security desk.
-The security desk
-KiKul's chamber
-The tactics room
-The guild prison

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2004-11-06 [abyss_angel]: Phew we're close to opening now. Problem is, before we do that i have to finish work on the other wiki. Gah this takes so long!! >.<

2004-11-09 [abyss_angel]: ok. The guild is now officially open. The holy order is still under construction though. Any helping hands would be well recieved :)

2004-11-10 [NohRabbit]: hmm, i really don't know how this works so... :S

2004-11-10 [abyss_angel]: what part?

2004-11-10 [RainBear666]: how do u join?

2004-11-13 [abyss_angel]: well just say you want to here in the comments box and which character you want to play.

2004-11-15 [Dumpysaurus]: Albull sounds like fun to play.... I'll think about it. :3 (may mean I'll be too timid to try, so don't hesitate to give him up to anyone who's more decisive!)

2004-11-16 [Forsvunnet]: This seems like there any possebiliti of me being Kazul...if not I wouldn't mind being Chiek either...

2004-11-17 [abyss_angel]: yeah sure. Kazul is yours. I still need to make a few changes to the wiki before its official opening though.

2004-11-17 [abyss_angel]: Oh yeah and Abull is reserved for dumpy.

2004-11-17 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh dear, you've gone and put me on the list! I've never roleplayed before, I'm afraid I'll ruin it! *_*

2004-11-17 [abyss_angel]: you wont its easy. We're not open yet by the way, so get some practice in someplace.

2004-11-18 [Forsvunnet]: I have to admit I've never roleplayed before either but I'll try my best not to ruin everything

2004-11-18 [Morbid Carrot]: anyone? Is there a chance for me being Raze, ore maybe Cheik? I am not experienced with roleplaying, but I can learn... Please? =)

2004-11-18 [Forsvunnet]: Hey know...I think you would be perfekt for cheik...but we'll see what the big boss says

2004-11-22 [abyss_angel]: Yeah sure. Ill sign you up for cheik. He owns the weapon shop by the way, so you'd have to look after it. The wikis still not open yet by the way!

2004-11-22 [abyss_angel]: YAY I THINK WE'RE FINALLY FINSHED! Roleplay officially! If i made any mistakes or you don't understand then just give me a bell.

2004-11-22 [DracoDormiens]: Oh! OH! May I be Razè?

2004-11-22 [DracoDormiens]: Then I would be very happy and joyful!

2004-11-22 [Forsvunnet]: Yey open!

2004-11-22 [Morbid Carrot]: I'm sure DracoD is fine with being Raze. Shop is nice, money is betterDo I get free weapons, then? Maybe not? But, as I said, I've never done roleplaying before. So... Do I have to do anything if people buy stuff?

2004-11-22 [DracoDormiens]: I hate you Carrot. But I don't have yo be Raze, I can be anyone... hm. Please?

2004-11-23 [abyss_angel]: Well i put carrot down as being cheik. Are you ok being Raze then?

2004-11-23 [abyss_angel]: ill put draco up as Raze for the moment. Hey carrot are you ok with the shop cus people are gonna be buying their weapons soon. ps/ when this happens you'll be rich.

2004-11-23 [abyss_angel]: oh and don't forget. Im trusting everyone to edit their own stats so any gil you earn etc you add yourself. This might be dumb but if people act like prats they get chucked out muhuhaha

2004-11-23 [DracoDormiens]: But how do you earn Gil? Is it like in FF, so when your enemies are dead, you get their Gil? No? Yes?

2004-11-23 [abyss_angel]: no you don't get any money for winning battles. You do in special occasions like events etc. You can only earn money if you own a shop. You also get a 1000gil a week allowance

2004-11-24 [Dumpysaurus]: Agh, y'know, I haven't really taken the time to look through all of the rules/guidelines/stuff... I'm not sure I can spare the time for this. Perhaps it's best you open Albull up yet again... :(

2004-11-24 [Forsvunnet]: A question! In the battle dome, do i have to write who I am and all my stats like you had before I can stort fighting?

2004-11-24 [abyss_angel]: yeah it makes it easier. Otherwise you'd have to keep looking at your stats on another page.

2004-11-24 [abyss_angel]: Ill open Abull up again. Your welcome to take him back anytime

2004-11-26 [DracoDormiens]: I think we should do something about Raze's description. It says that he is shy, but I heve made him... unshy. He's a ladies man, heheh. Is it Ok if I change it? He's rude and evil. Muahaha.

2004-11-29 [abyss_angel]: yeah sure. They were just guidelines anyway

2004-11-29 [Delladreing]: *sigh* its the same with this page angel, theres just too much on the page i think and its making it all go wrong *takes a copy of this page too to try and make it work*

2004-11-29 [Delladreing]: [abyss_angel] i got them to work in my diary, come along and see when you have the chance and you can tell me if what i have done is ok

2004-11-29 [abyss_angel]: Ok. I think i overdid it wi the page. Ill go delete stuff -.-'

2004-11-30 [Forsvunnet]: If you're still looking for owners for some shops I would like to own one...

2004-11-30 [DracoDormiens]: Yey, the description of Raze was great! Just like I've imagined him... Think I'll stick with that one.

2004-12-09 [abyss_angel]: Which shop would you like to own?

2004-12-10 [Forsvunnet]: Eh...i really don't mind. Is Eris little shop of horrors available?

2004-12-13 [cevelice]: hey can I join? my freind Do.Jie told me to join. If I can join i would like to be Tetsuhara.

2004-12-13 [abyss_angel]: Well the shops kinda Eris' but shes never on. I guess you could take over. Ill ask first though.

2004-12-13 [abyss_angel]: Yeah you can join. Ill just edit Tetsu for you. Then you can alter hsi personality or whatever to suit your taste and join in with the wiki.

2004-12-13 [abyss_angel]: I gave the guild a facelift. It should make places easier to find and group. What do you think to it?

2004-12-13 [Forsvunnet]: It's seems to be more easy to find the places, but i can take an other shop then Eris

2004-12-14 [cevelice]: damn my dirty pixie loven half brother *mumbles tetsu as he gazes around for a place to get some sleep*

2004-12-14 [abyss_angel]: which would you like?

2004-12-14 [Forsvunnet]: The exotic pet store?

2004-12-14 [abyss_angel]: Yeah sure, ill just go edit it.

2004-12-14 [abyss_angel]: done. You now own the pet shop

2004-12-14 [Forsvunnet]: Mohahaha! you hear that everybody! I own the petstore! Buy an animal...if you dare...

2004-12-14 [DracoDormiens]: [cevelice], come on and join us at The Black Heart in! I order you!

2004-12-15 [cevelice]: ok ill se you there

2004-12-15 [cevelice]: i whould like to own the battel dome

2004-12-15 [abyss_angel]: ok ill add you a owner

2004-12-15 [abyss_angel]: Over to the tactics room people. We gon discuss important crap

2004-12-15 [cevelice]: crap my parental blok wont let me in the dome

2004-12-15 [cevelice]: can i have the dragon arms inn

2004-12-16 [abyss_angel]: yeah sure. Hmm wonder why it wont let you in?

2004-12-19 [Auroron]: hum, can i join? I'm [DracoDormiens] little brother..... maybe i can be Albull??

2004-12-19 [Forsvunnet]: Yey! Auroron! If he's abull, i think Abull should have a sailors outfit!

2004-12-19 [DracoDormiens]: Oh, what's he's doing here? Oh well, we need more people don't we? Let that little child join...

2004-12-20 [abyss_angel]: Yeah sure you can be Abull. No sailers outfits in the guild-its just plain wrong ^_^

2004-12-20 [abyss_angel]: haha i just went on statistics to add Auro and it seems i accidently gave a link to suicide stats. Ill try and change it

2004-12-20 [abyss_angel]: there..linkage fixed o.o

2004-12-20 [abyss_angel]: i also added a couple more characters

2004-12-20 [Forsvunnet]: No sailors outfit? *sighs* to bad. Auro, I'll just have to give you an outfit for christmas, then you can wear it next time I come to Draco!

2004-12-20 [DracoDormiens]: *sigh*...

2004-12-20 [Morbid Carrot]: Leave Auroron alone, remember he is to marry me in... five years. How would it look like with me and a man in a sailors outfit? Leave my poor little feyonce alone!

2004-12-21 [cevelice]: lol that is nucking futs

2004-12-22 [Forsvunnet]: Well, if you wore a sailors outfit aswell....

2004-12-22 [abyss_angel]: OK people. You now have me all to yourself. What with being the creator of both the guild and the holy order i kinda wanted to be in on the action of both. Problem is..i know both sides secret plans which is bad and annoying. So im gonna put my greediness on the back burner for a while and become a fully fledged guild member-destroy my order character. Good plan methinks.

2004-12-23 [DracoDormiens]: Yay for the Order! I knew you liked us best!

2004-12-24 [abyss_angel]: Well the guild was my first born so i spent the most time on it. So it was best.

2004-12-24 [abyss_angel]: Well the guild was my first born so i spent the most time on it (ps/ this is the guild not the order fool!) So it was best.

2004-12-25 [DracoDormiens]: I saw that after I submitted it... But I didn't change it. You understood what I meant, didn't you?

2004-12-26 [abyss_angel]: yes :)

2004-12-26 [abyss_angel]: Now everyone hurry up and get your asses over to the holy order pub (7th heaven inn) cus i dont want to be the only one in there.

2004-12-31 [DracoDormiens]: Arggh, why has so much happened at the 7th heaven in? In so few days? No one gave Carrot and me a chance to play along. Give us some time to answer, for Christ's sake! *mumbles*

2004-12-31 [Forsvunnet]: It's your fault Draco, you have had plenty of time to answer...

2004-12-31 [DracoDormiens]: *Kills Flaming* I was there just two days ago, and nothing had happened then. And then I slept over at your house. And that's why I couldn't write that day. I was with you and Carrot. So this is YOUR fault! Muahahhaa!

2004-12-31 [Forsvunnet]: Well get over there now. Oh I hate Drake, aren't the any rules about being invuolnerable? We've attacked him at least five times and he hasn't taken damage, isn't that kind of well...stupid? Abyss?

2004-12-31 [Morbid Carrot]: hah, I can see Flaming is irritated. I like that. Ha, ha.

2004-12-31 [Forsvunnet]: I am not irritated....well, ok, so I am irritaded but come on! Noone can survive that much damage it's completly stupid!

2005-01-02 [abyss_angel]: i guess it is sorta illegal. He broke the no moding rule in a way. If he survives this next one by Raze ill av to av words o.o

2005-01-02 [DracoDormiens]: You can... ban him or something? I'm not sure if what I just did was legal, but something had to be done! Den jævelen. (norwegian for 'That bastard')

2005-01-02 [Forsvunnet]: The norwegian language has such a wide variety of beautiful not really. I say we hunt him down and lynch him! Just a little of course.

2005-01-02 [DracoDormiens]: Does English have more... *forgets the English word* swear words? Wohoo. *kills Drake*

2005-01-02 [Forsvunnet]: probably not, I just worte what I was thinking at the time

2005-01-02 [Morbid Carrot]: You say funny things. *Points at her funny friends and laughs evily at them while she's making up new, funny insults

2005-01-02 [Forsvunnet]:'s kind of stupid to point it out again but The dragon really is starting to get annoying. He hasn't even got a bruise after all we have done to him. Why bother with words. Bring forth your hayforks everyone!

2005-01-03 [DracoDormiens]: I agree with Flaming. He should get his punishment. Let's hunt him down and kill him. I am sorry for the comment in norwegian at the inn, but if I'm going to express how angry I am, I must do it in my own language. *is really angry*

2005-01-03 [abyss_angel]: Well he got his first warning. I can't just ban him outright.

2005-01-03 [DracoDormiens]: You cant? Ooow. We just kill him sudden and swift. It will be almost painless. Almost.

2005-01-04 [abyss_angel]: o.o... Bad you!

2005-01-23 [cevelice]: sry i havent been on fr a while comp was down through christmas

2005-01-23 [abyss_angel]: s'ok, i dont think many people have

2005-01-23 [DracoDormiens]: Eh, excuse moi?! *points at herself* I was here the whole time!

2005-02-05 [DracoDormiens]: You know, we should really get ourselves a badge... A scary one, with big teeth.

2005-02-05 [Forsvunnet]: Which bights everyone we don't like! *coughdrakecough*

2005-02-05 [DracoDormiens]: Now you're just being bitter. Forget about the past!!!

2005-02-05 [Forsvunnet]: *forgets* look I'm a gifted forgiver, lovely blank sheets of paper.

2005-02-06 [DracoDormiens]: *eats paper and gets papercuts on her tongue* Uuuuuuuhww.

2005-02-08 [abyss_angel]: ive free'd up a few chars cus the people playin them didn't join in. Im gonna try recuitin again ^_^

2005-02-08 [DracoDormiens]: "We want YOU to join The guild of the damned!"

2005-02-08 [abyss_angel]: summat lyk that...o.o

2005-02-08 [DracoDormiens]: Therefore, we need a badge! A badge that says: "Join or we will kill you!" At least I would have joined then... Muah.

2005-02-09 [abyss_angel]: we did have one in progress but it didn't work

2005-02-10 [DracoDormiens]: Of course it didn't you just say that because everyone's too lazy to make one! Where's all the people that's not you, Flaming or me?

2005-02-11 [abyss_angel]: Deladreing actually. But it wouldn't display right we dont know why and we just kinda lost contact.

2005-02-11 [Forsvunnet]: How do you make a banner? I've always wondered. Is the some special tecnique?

2005-02-11 [DracoDormiens]: you little pudde of mud.

2005-02-21 [Morbid Carrot]: It is PUDDLE, not pudde, you freak. No wonder you haven't got any real friends. Oh..? Did I just say that loud? Duh, whatever.

2005-02-21 [DracoDormiens]: We can't all be as good with the keyboard as you are, Carrot. I bet Korg hates you.

2005-02-21 [Forsvunnet]: If I was named kord i would hate everybody...poor Tero...

2005-03-09 [abyss_angel]: now you can go to the inn and do whatever ^_^

2005-03-09 [Forsvunnet]: welcome [Steel Mal'ak], it's good to see a new face...or name...or, well, you all know what I mean.....don't you?

2005-03-10 [Steel Mal'ak]: Yes, I do! Have some chocolate! *gives chocolate*

2005-03-10 [Forsvunnet]: *Gives [Steel Mal'ak] a hug and eats the chocolate* I got chocolate therefor I am better then everyone! Mohhahaha!

2005-03-11 [Steel Mal'ak]: *hugs Flaming Moon* Hahahah aahahahaaahahaha I don't know you!

2005-03-11 [DracoDormiens]: Heeeh.You all ned professional help. I am the only sane person here! Mwahahaha! Hah! haha! *faints*

2005-03-11 [Forsvunnet]: Your cat has more intellligence than you Draco....just wait, it will take over the world soon. Hail

2005-03-12 [DracoDormiens]: "The Emperor", Flaming. I thought you knew more English than that... Hail!

2005-03-12 [Forsvunnet]: hersker sound a lot better than Emperor....

2005-03-12 [Steel Mal'ak]: Hersker? THAT'S AWESOME!!!!

2005-03-13 [DracoDormiens]: Awesome? Hersker? Huh?

2005-03-13 [Steel Mal'ak]: REPENT! REPENT!!!! Jesus loves you!!!

2005-03-14 [DracoDormiens]: He does? Oh. That sounds nice.

2005-03-14 [Forsvunnet]: silly people

2005-05-22 [Kinoko]: may i jion?...i was kicked out of hevan

2005-05-24 [abyss_angel]: sure just choose a character. Have to admit things have been a little dead recently. Maybe you'll liven stuff up

2005-05-28 [DracoDormiens]: I am back now. Since Raze is ¨here again, there will be much violence and drunkness. Looking foreward to it! Just wait until tomorrow.

2005-05-28 [Steel Mal'ak]: Sorry I've been gone, I'll have sikkahnnus back soon.

2005-06-01 [Forsvunnet]: And I think Kazul is back now too.

2005-06-08 [Floydian Slip]: can i join? do i want to? do i care? how do you create a chacter?

2005-06-10 [Steel Mal'ak]: You spell character right, thats how.

2005-06-10 [abyss_angel]: just edit your character into the page like the others up there

2005-06-15 [abyss_angel]: hey sinister take your character to the black heart!

2005-06-15 [Steel Mal'ak]: Does anybody want to fill in a position in Pitchblende?

2005-06-16 [DracoDormiens]: I looked at the page, but do you find us... skilled enough? Otherwise, I may be interested.

2005-06-16 [Steel Mal'ak]: Many of you, yes, I do find skilled enough. Those who play Kazul, Raze, and Lexy are the ones I am talikng about.

2005-06-16 [Forsvunnet]: Whee! I'm skilled!

2005-06-16 [Forsvunnet]: Whee! I'm skilled! ....and interested....

2005-06-16 [Steel Mal'ak]: Indeed. *cough*

2005-06-16 [Forsvunnet]: *is very humble*

2005-06-16 [Steel Mal'ak]: Awww! How humble!!! *pets*

2005-06-17 [DracoDormiens]: I'm skilled too! Of course, I already knew that. I'm the most skilled roleplayer in the world. Anyway, I'm interested. What happens now?

2005-06-17 [Steel Mal'ak]: Well first of all, what kind of chars do you want to play? Vampires, demons...the like.

2005-06-17 [DracoDormiens]: EVIL characters! Think I'll stick with a demon, since Raze is one. But female this time.

2005-06-17 [Steel Mal'ak]: Good, good. Is anyone interested in being a vampire? We need residents for Pitchblende.

2005-06-18 [Forsvunnet]: Can I still be Kazul? she's a vampire...and evil.....sought of....

2005-06-18 [Steel Mal'ak]: Yeah, you can be Kazul.

2005-06-20 [DracoDormiens]: Oh, yes, VERY evil. Bah.

2005-06-20 [Forsvunnet]: She has hidden powers that makes her more evil than she seems like....And Happy birthday my little friend!

2005-06-20 [Steel Mal'ak]: Indeedy-doody! Happy birthday!!!

2005-06-27 [gaia1289]: Uber Smexi Monky told me to join

2005-07-01 [Forsvunnet]: Greetings gaia

2005-07-01 [gaia1289]: greetings

2005-07-14 [DracoDormiens]: And hail and Bless Thee and congratulations. How's the other roleplay thing going, Steel?

2005-07-14 [Forsvunnet]: I think it's a bit dead right now. Do something entertaining Draco! Maybe Raze can become genderconfused or something.....

2005-07-16 [DracoDormiens]: What are you thinking, you naughty girl?!

2005-08-02 [Fractured Memories]: Can I add a character? I want to add a mortal whose life has been hell. So everything is perceived in a negative way. Who believes that the holy order is arrogant and wrong. A guy who trusts nothing but his instincts and is not easily fooled by deception. Let me know what you think 

2005-08-02 [DracoDormiens]: Oh, it was weird seeing someone who is really serious around here... It has been a long time. It is not my turn to write! You hear me?! Not my turn!

2005-08-03 [Fractured Memories]: Is this not an active WiKi? If not is there some place to write where people are active?

2005-08-03 [DracoDormiens]: Oh yes, this is active. I think you should start writing here: The black heart inn. This is where we mostly are. Feel free just to add your character on the top and jump in! (Sorry Abyss, but since you're not here, I thought I'd give the welcome-seremony a go.)

2005-08-03 [Fractured Memories]: cool

2005-08-12 [Forsvunnet]: And teel your friends! Yey! Reklame (can't remember the English word right now, although I'm sure someone will tell me soon)...!

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